Source code for calphy.input

calphy: a Python library and command line interface for automated free
energy calculations.

Copyright 2021  (c) Sarath Menon^1, Yury Lysogorskiy^2, Ralf Drautz^2
^1: Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung, Dusseldorf, Germany 
^2: Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany

calphy is published and distributed under the Academic Software License v1.0 (ASL). 
calphy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful for non-commercial academic research, 
calphy API is published and distributed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
See the LICENSE FILE for more details. 

More information about the program can be found in:
Menon, Sarath, Yury Lysogorskiy, Jutta Rogal, and Ralf Drautz.
“Automated Free Energy Calculation from Atomistic Simulations.” Physical Review Materials 5(10), 2021
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.5.103801

For more information contact:

from typing_extensions import Annotated
from typing import Any, Callable, List, ClassVar, Optional, Union
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, ValidationError, model_validator, conlist, PrivateAttr
from pydantic.functional_validators import AfterValidator, BeforeValidator
from annotated_types import Len
import mendeleev

import yaml
import numpy as np
import copy
import datetime
import itertools
import os
import warnings
from pyscal3 import System
from pyscal3.core import structure_dict, element_dict, _make_crystal
from import read, write
import shutil

__version__ = "1.3.11"

def _check_equal(val):
    if not (val[0]==val[1]==val[2]):
        return False
    return True

[docs]def to_list(v: Any) -> List[Any]: return np.atleast_1d(v)
def _to_str(val): if np.isscalar(val): return str(val) else: return [str(x) for x in val] def _to_int(val): if np.isscalar(val): return int(val) else: return [int(x) for x in val] def _to_none(val): if val in ['none', 'None',]: return None return val def _to_float(val): if np.isscalar(val): return float(val) else: return [float(x) for x in val]
[docs]class CompositionScaling(BaseModel, title='Composition scaling input options'): _input_chemical_composition: PrivateAttr(default=None) output_chemical_composition: Annotated[dict, Field(default={}, required=False)] restrictions: Annotated[List[str], BeforeValidator(to_list), Field(default=[], required=False)]
[docs]class MD(BaseModel, title='MD specific input options'): timestep: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.001, description='timestep for md simulation', example='timestep: 0.001'),] n_small_steps: Annotated[int, Field(default=10000, gt=0)] n_every_steps: Annotated[int, Field(default=10, gt=0)] n_repeat_steps: Annotated[int, Field(default=10, gt=0)] n_cycles: Annotated[int, Field(default=100, gt=0)] thermostat_damping: Annotated[Union[float, conlist(float, min_length=2, max_length=2)], Field(default=0.1, gt=0)] barostat_damping: Annotated[Union[float, conlist(float, min_length=2, max_length=2)], Field(default=0.1, gt=0)] cmdargs: Annotated[str, Field(default="")] init_commands: Annotated[List, Field(default=[])]
[docs]class NoseHoover(BaseModel, title='Specific input options for Nose-Hoover thermostat'): thermostat_damping: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.1, gt=0)] barostat_damping: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.1, gt=0)]
[docs]class Berendsen(BaseModel, title='Specific input options for Berendsen thermostat'): thermostat_damping: Annotated[float, Field(default=100.0, gt=0)] barostat_damping: Annotated[float, Field(default=100.0, gt=0)]
[docs]class Queue(BaseModel, title='Options for configuring queue'): scheduler: Annotated[str, Field(default='local')] cores: Annotated[int, Field(default=1, gt=0)] jobname: Annotated[str, Field(default='calphy')] walltime: Annotated[str, Field(default="23:59:00")] queuename: Annotated[str, Field(default="")] memory: Annotated[str, Field(default="3GB")] commands: Annotated[List, Field(default=[])] options: Annotated[List, Field(default=[])] modules: Annotated[List, Field(default=[])]
[docs]class Tolerance(BaseModel, title='Tolerance settings for convergence'): lattice_constant: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.0002, ge=0)] spring_constant: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.1, gt=0)] solid_fraction: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.7, ge=0)] liquid_fraction: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.05, ge=0)] pressure: Annotated[float, Field(default=0.5, ge=0)]
[docs]class MeltingTemperature(BaseModel, title='Input options for melting temperature mode'): guess: Annotated[Union[float, None], Field(default=None, gt=0)] step: Annotated[int, Field(default=200, ge=20)] attempts: Annotated[int, Field(default=5, ge=1)]
[docs]class Calculation(BaseModel, title='Main input class'): composition_scaling: Optional[CompositionScaling] = CompositionScaling() md: Optional[MD] = MD() nose_hoover: Optional[NoseHoover] = NoseHoover() berendsen: Optional[Berendsen] = Berendsen() queue: Optional[Queue] = Queue() tolerance: Optional[Tolerance] = Tolerance() melting_temperature: Optional[MeltingTemperature] = MeltingTemperature() element: Annotated[List[str], BeforeValidator(to_list), Field(default=[])] n_elements: Annotated[int, Field(default=0)] mass: Annotated[List[float], BeforeValidator(to_list), Field(default=[])] _element_dict: dict = PrivateAttr(default={}) kernel: Annotated[int, Field(default=0)] inputfile: Annotated[str, Field(default='')] mode: Annotated[Union[str, None], Field(default=None)] lattice: Annotated[str, Field(default="")] file_format: Annotated[str, Field(default='lammps-data')] #pressure properties pressure: Annotated[ Union[None, float, conlist(float, min_length=1, max_length=2), conlist(conlist(float, min_length=3, max_length=3), min_length=1, max_length=2)] , Field(default=0)] _pressure_stop: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) _pressure: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) _pressure_stop: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) _pressure_input: Any = PrivateAttr(default=None) _iso: bool = PrivateAttr(default=False) _fix_lattice: bool = PrivateAttr(default=False) temperature: Annotated[ Union[float, conlist(float, min_length=1, max_length=2)], Field(default=0)] temperature_high: Annotated[ float, Field(default=0.0)] _temperature: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) _temperature_high: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) _temperature_stop: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) _temperature_input: float = PrivateAttr(default=None) melting_cycle: Annotated[ bool, Field(default=True)] pair_style: Annotated[ Union[List[str], None], BeforeValidator(to_list), Field(default=None)] pair_coeff: Annotated[ Union[List[str], None], BeforeValidator(to_list), Field(default=None)] potential_file: Annotated[ Union[str,None], Field(default=None)] fix_potential_path: Annotated[bool, Field(default=True)] _pair_style_with_options: List[str] = PrivateAttr(default=None) reference_phase: Annotated[ str, Field(default = "")] lattice_constant: Annotated[float, Field(default = 0)] repeat: Annotated[conlist(int, min_length=3, max_length=3), Field(default=[1,1,1])] script_mode: Annotated[ bool, Field(default = False)] lammps_executable: Annotated[ Union[str,None], Field(default = None)] mpi_executable: Annotated[ Union[str,None], Field(default = None)] npt: Annotated[ bool, Field(default = True)] n_equilibration_steps: Annotated[ int, Field(default = 25000)] n_switching_steps: Annotated[ Union[int, conlist(int, min_length=2, max_length=2)], Field(default = [50000, 50000])] _n_switching_steps: int = PrivateAttr(default=50000) _n_sweep_steps: int = PrivateAttr(default=50000) n_print_steps: Annotated[int, Field(default = 0)] n_iterations: Annotated[int, Field(default = 1)] equilibration_control: Annotated[Union[str,None], Field(default = None)] folder_prefix: Annotated[Union[str,None], Field(default = None)] #add second level options; for example spring constants spring_constants: Annotated[Union[List[float],None], Field(default = None)] #structure items _structure: Any = PrivateAttr(default=None) @model_validator(mode='after') def _validate_all(self) -> 'Input': if not (len(self.element) == len(self.mass)): raise ValueError('mass and elements should have same length') self.n_elements = len(self.element) self._pressure_input = copy.copy(self.pressure) if self.pressure is None: self._iso = True self._fix_lattice = True self._pressure = None self._pressure_stop = None elif np.isscalar(self.pressure): self._pressure = self.pressure self._pressure_stop = self.pressure self._iso = True self._fix_lattice = False elif np.shape(self.pressure) == (1,): self._iso = True self._fix_lattice = False self._pressure = self.pressure[0] self._pressure_stop = self.pressure[0] elif np.shape(self.pressure) == (2,): self._iso = True self._fix_lattice = False self._pressure = self.pressure[0] self._pressure_stop = self.pressure[1] elif np.shape(self.pressure) == (1, 3): if not _check_equal(self.pressure[0]): raise ValueError('All pressure terms must be equal') self._iso = False self._fix_lattice = False self._pressure = self.pressure[0][0] self._pressure_stop = self.pressure[0][0] elif np.shape(self.pressure) == (2, 3): if not (_check_equal(self.pressure[0]) and _check_equal(self.pressure[1])): raise ValueError('All pressure terms must be equal') self._iso = False self._fix_lattice = False self._pressure = self.pressure[0][0] self._pressure_stop = self.pressure[1][0] else: raise ValueError('Unknown format for pressure') self._temperature_input = copy.copy(self.temperature) #guess a melting temp of the system, this will be mostly ignored #chem = mendeleev.element(self.element[0]) #self._melting_temperature = chem.melting_point try: chem = mendeleev.element(self.element[0]) self._melting_temperature = chem.melting_point except: self._melting_temperature = None if self.temperature == 0: #the only situation in which it can be None is if mode is melting temp if len(self.element) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot guess start temperature for more than one species, please specify") #now try to guess if self._melting_temperature is None: raise ValueError("Could not guess start temperature for more than one species, please specify") self._temperature = self._melting_temperature self._temperature_stop = self._melting_temperature if self.temperature_high == 0: self._temperature_high = 2*self._melting_temperature else: self._temperature_high = self.temperature_high elif np.shape(np.atleast_1d(self.temperature)) == (1,): temp = np.atleast_1d(self.temperature) self._temperature = temp[0] self._temperature_stop = temp[0] if self.temperature_high == 0: self._temperature_high = 2*temp[0] else: self._temperature_high = self.temperature_high elif np.shape(self.temperature) == (2,): temp = self.temperature self._temperature = temp[0] self._temperature_stop = temp[1] if self.temperature_high == 0: self._temperature_high = 2*temp[1] else: self._temperature_high = self.temperature_high #fix pair styles #two main lists # _pair_style_with_options, read in as it is from file # _pair_style_names, just the names of the pair styles _pair_style_names = [] for ps in self.pair_style: ps_split = ps.split() _pair_style_names.append(ps_split[0]) #only set if its None self._pair_style_with_options = self.pair_style self._pair_style_names = _pair_style_names #now fix pair coeffs with path if self.fix_potential_path: self.pair_coeff = self.fix_paths(self.pair_coeff) if np.isscalar(self.n_switching_steps): self._n_sweep_steps = self.n_switching_steps self._n_switching_steps = self.n_switching_steps else: self._n_sweep_steps = self.n_switching_steps[1] self._n_switching_steps = self.n_switching_steps[0] #here we also prepare lattice dict for count, element in enumerate(self.element): self._element_dict[element] = {} self._element_dict[element]['mass'] = self.mass[count] self._element_dict[element]['count'] = 0 self._element_dict[element]['composition'] = 0.0 self._element_dict[element]['atomic_number'] = mendeleev.element(element).atomic_number #generate temporary filename if needed write_structure_file = False if self.lattice == "": #fetch from dict if len(self.element) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot create lattice for more than one element, provide a lammps-data file explicitly") if self.element[0] in element_dict.keys(): self.lattice = element_dict[self.element[0]]['structure'] self.lattice_constant = element_dict[self.element[0]]['lattice_constant'] else: raise ValueError("Could not find structure, please provide lattice and lattice_constant explicitely") if self.repeat == [1,1,1]: self.repeat = [5,5,5] structure = _make_crystal(self.lattice.lower(), lattice_constant=self.lattice_constant, repetitions=self.repeat, element=self.element) structure = structure.write.ase() #extract composition types, typecounts = np.unique(structure.get_chemical_symbols(), return_counts=True) for c, t in enumerate(types): self._element_dict[t]['count'] = typecounts[c] self._element_dict[t]['composition'] = typecounts[c]/np.sum(typecounts) self._natoms = len(structure) self._original_lattice = self.lattice.lower() write_structure_file = True elif self.lattice.lower() in structure_dict.keys(): if len(self.element) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot create lattice for more than one element, provide a lammps-data file explicitly") #this is a valid structure if self.lattice_constant == 0: #we try try to get lattice_constant if self.element[0] in element_dict.keys(): self.lattice_constant = element_dict[self.element[0]]['lattice_constant'] else: raise ValueError('Please provide lattice_constant!') #now create lattice structure = _make_crystal(self.lattice.lower(), lattice_constant=self.lattice_constant, repetitions=self.repeat, element=self.element) structure = structure.write.ase() #extract composition types, typecounts = np.unique(structure.get_chemical_symbols(), return_counts=True) for c, t in enumerate(types): self._element_dict[t]['count'] = typecounts[c] self._element_dict[t]['composition'] = typecounts[c]/np.sum(typecounts) #concdict_counts = {str(t): typecounts[c] for c, t in enumerate(types)} #concdict_frac = {str(t): typecounts[c]/np.sum(typecounts) for c, t in enumerate(types)} #self._composition = concdict_frac #self._composition_counts = concdict_counts self._natoms = len(structure) self._original_lattice = self.lattice.lower() write_structure_file = True else: #this is a file if not os.path.exists(self.lattice): raise ValueError(f'File {self.lattice} could not be found') if self.file_format == 'lammps-data': #create atomic numbers for proper reading Z_of_type = dict([(count+1, self._element_dict[element]['atomic_number']) for count, element in enumerate(self.element)]) structure = read(self.lattice, format='lammps-data', style='atomic', Z_of_type=Z_of_type) #structure = System(aseobj, format='ase') else: raise TypeError('Only lammps-data files are supported!') #extract composition #this is the types read in from the file types, typecounts = np.unique(structure.get_chemical_symbols(), return_counts=True) for c, t in enumerate(types): self._element_dict[t]['count'] = typecounts[c] self._element_dict[t]['composition'] = typecounts[c]/np.sum(typecounts) self._natoms = len(structure) self._original_lattice = os.path.basename(self.lattice) self.lattice = os.path.abspath(self.lattice) #if needed, write the file out if write_structure_file: structure_filename = ".".join([self.create_identifier(), str(self.kernel), "data"]) structure_filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), structure_filename) write(structure_filename, structure, format='lammps-data') self.lattice = structure_filename if self.mode == 'composition_scaling': #we also should check if actual contents are present input_chem_comp = {} for key, val in self._element_dict.items(): input_chem_comp[key] = val['count'] self.composition_scaling._input_chemical_composition = input_chem_comp #now we should check output chem comp and see there are no keys extra for key in self.composition_scaling.output_chemical_composition.keys(): if key not in self.composition_scaling._input_chemical_composition.keys(): raise ValueError('An element in output composition is not possible with the given potential') natoms1 = np.sum([val for key, val in self.composition_scaling._input_chemical_composition.items()]) natoms2 = np.sum([val for key, val in self.composition_scaling.output_chemical_composition.items()]) if not (natoms1==natoms2): raise ValueError(f"Input and output number of atoms are not conserved! Input {self.dict_to_string(self.input_chemical_composition)}, output {self.dict_to_string(self.output_chemical_composition)}, total atoms in structure {structure.natoms}") return self
[docs] def fix_paths(self, potlist): """ Fix paths for potential files to complete ones """ fixedpots = [] for pot in potlist: pcraw = pot.split() if len(pcraw) >= 3: filename = pcraw[2] filename = os.path.abspath(filename) if os.path.exists(filename): pcnew = " ".join([*pcraw[:2], filename, *pcraw[3:]]) fixedpots.append(pcnew) else: fixedpots.append(pot) else: fixedpots.append(pot) return fixedpots
[docs] def create_identifier(self): """ Generate an identifier Parameters ---------- calc: dict a calculation dict Returns ------- identistring: string unique identification string """ #lattice processed prefix = self.mode ts = int(self._temperature) if self._pressure is None: ps = "None" else: ps = "%d"%(int(self._pressure)) l = self._original_lattice l = l.split('/') l = l[-1] if self.folder_prefix is None: identistring = "-".join([prefix, l.lower(), self.reference_phase, str(ts), str(ps)]) else: identistring = "-".join([self.folder_prefix, prefix, l.lower(), self.reference_phase, str(ts), str(ps)]) return identistring
[docs] def get_folder_name(self): identistring = self.create_identifier() simfolder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), identistring) return simfolder
[docs] def create_folders(self): """ Create the necessary folder for calculation Parameters ---------- calc : dict calculation block Returns ------- folder : string create folder """ simfolder = self.get_folder_name() #if folder exists, delete it -> then create if os.path.exists(simfolder): raise ValueError(f'Simulation folder {simfolder} exists. Please remove and run again!') os.mkdir(simfolder) return simfolder
@property def savefile(self): simfolder = self.get_folder_name() return os.path.join(simfolder, 'job.npy')
[docs]def save_job(job): filename = os.path.join(job.simfolder, 'job.npy'), job)
[docs]def load_job(filename): job = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True).flatten()[0] return job
[docs]def read_inputfile(file): if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Input file {file} not found.') with open(file, 'r') as fin: data = yaml.safe_load(fin) if 'element' in data.keys(): #old format outfile = _convert_legacy_inputfile(file) else: outfile = file calculations = _read_inputfile(outfile) return calculations
def _read_inputfile(file): with open(file, 'r') as fin: data = yaml.safe_load(fin) calculations = [] for count, calc in enumerate(data['calculations']): calc['kernel'] = count calc['inputfile'] = file if 'pressure' in calc.keys(): calc['pressure'] = _to_none(calc['pressure']) calculations.append(Calculation(**calc)) return calculations def _convert_legacy_inputfile(file, return_calcs=False): with open(file, 'r') as fin: data = yaml.safe_load(fin) if not 'element' in data.keys(): #new format raise ValueError('Not old format, exiting..') #prepare combos calculations = [] for cc, ci in enumerate(data['calculations']): mode = ci["mode"] if mode == "melting_temperature": calc = {} for key in ['md', 'queue', 'tolerance', 'melting_temperature', 'nose_hoover', 'berendsen', 'composition_scaling', 'temperature_high']: if key in data.keys(): calc[key] = copy.copy(data[key]) for key in ['element', 'mass', 'script_mode', 'lammps_executable', 'mpi_executable']: if key in data.keys(): calc[key] = data[key] for key in ["mode", "pair_style", "pair_coeff", "pair_style_options", "npt", "repeat", "n_equilibration_steps", "n_switching_steps", "n_print_steps", "n_iterations", "potential_file", "spring_constants", "melting_cycle", "equilibration_control", "folder_prefix", "temperature_high"]: if key in ci.keys(): calc[key] = ci[key] #calc['pressure'] = float(np.atleast_1d(ci["pressure"]) if "pressure" in ci.keys() else np.atleast_1d(0)) #calc['temperature'] = float(np.atleast_1d(ci["temperature"]) if "temperature" in ci.keys() else np.atleast_1d(0)) #calc['lattice'] = str(ci["lattice"]) if "lattice" in ci.keys() else 'none' #calc['reference_phase'] = str(ci["reference_phase"]) if "reference_phase" in ci.keys() else 'none' #calc['lattice_constant'] = float(ci["lattice_constant"]) if "lattice_constant" in ci.keys() else 0 calc['kernel'] = cc calc['inputfile'] = file calculations.append(calc) else: pressure = np.atleast_1d(ci['pressure']) temperature = np.atleast_1d(ci['temperature']) lattice = np.atleast_1d(ci['lattice']) reference_phase = np.atleast_1d(ci['reference_phase']) if "lattice_constant" in ci.keys(): lattice_constant = np.atleast_1d(ci["lattice_constant"]) else: lattice_constant = [0 for x in range(len(lattice))] lat_props = [{"lattice": lattice[x], "lattice_constant":lattice_constant[x], "reference_phase":reference_phase[x]} for x in range(len(lattice))] if (mode == "fe") or (mode == "alchemy") or (mode == "composition_scaling"): combos = itertools.product(lat_props, pressure, temperature) elif mode == "ts" or mode == "tscale" or mode == "mts": if not len(temperature) == 2: raise ValueError("ts/tscale mode needs 2 temperature values") temperature = [temperature] combos = itertools.product(lat_props, pressure, temperature) elif mode == "pscale": if not len(pressure) == 2: raise ValueError("pscale mode needs 2 pressure values") pressure = [pressure] combos = itertools.product(lat_props, pressure, temperature) cc = 0 for combo in combos: calc = {} for key in ['md', 'queue', 'tolerance', 'melting_temperature', 'nose_hoover', 'berendsen', 'composition_scaling', 'temperature_high']: if key in data.keys(): calc[key] = copy.copy(data[key]) for key in ['element', 'mass', 'script_mode', 'lammps_executable', 'mpi_executable']: if key in data.keys(): calc[key] = data[key] for key in ["mode", "pair_style", "pair_coeff", "pair_style_options", "npt", "repeat", "n_equilibration_steps", "n_switching_steps", "n_print_steps", "n_iterations", "potential_file", "spring_constants", "melting_cycle", "equilibration_control", "folder_prefix", "temperature_high"]: if key in ci.keys(): calc[key] = ci[key] #print(combo) calc["lattice"] = str(combo[0]["lattice"]) calc["lattice_constant"] = float(combo[0]["lattice_constant"]) calc["reference_phase"] = str(combo[0]["reference_phase"]) calc["pressure"] = _to_float(combo[1]) calc["temperature"] = _to_float(combo[2]) calc['kernel'] = cc calc['inputfile'] = file cc += 1 calculations.append(calc) if return_calcs: return calculations else: newdata = {} newdata['calculations'] = calculations #print(newdata) outfile = 'new.'+file warnings.warn(f'Old style input file calphy < v2 found. Converted input in {outfile}. Please check!') with open(outfile, 'w') as fout: yaml.safe_dump(newdata, fout) return outfile
[docs]def generate_metadata(): metadata = {} metadata["software"] = {} metadata["software"]["name"] = "calphy" metadata["software"]["doi"] = "10.5281/zenodo.10527452" metadata["software"]["version"] = __version__ metadata["software"]["repository"] = "" metadata["software"]["webpage"] = "" metadata["files"] = {} metadata["files"]["input_file.yml"] = "input file" metadata["files"]["report.yaml"] = "results after thermodynamic integration" metadata["files"][""] = "input atomic configuration" return metadata