
Supported operating systems#

calphy can be installed on Linux and Mac OS based systems. On Windows systems, it is recommended to use Windows subsystem for Linux.

Normal installation#

conda install -c conda-forge calphy

pip install calphy

git clone
cd calphy
python install

Using a conda environment#

It is strongly recommended to install and use calphy within a conda environment. To see how you can install conda see here.

Once a conda distribution is available, the following steps will help set up an environment to use calphy. First step is to clone the repository.

git clone

After cloning, an environment can be created from the included file-

cd calphy
conda env create -f environment.yml

Note that the conda-forge distribution of LAMMPS will be automatically installed. Alternatively, you can use an existing version of LAMMPS (compiled as library). If a LAMMPS distribution need not be installed, use the calphy/environment-nolammps.yml file instead to create the environment. This will install the necessary packages and create an environment called calphy. It can be activated by,

conda activate calphy

then, install calphy using,

python install

The environment is now set up to run calphy.


  • lammps conda install -c conda-forge lammps

  • mendeleev >=0.7.0 pip install mendeleev

  • pylammpsmpi >=0.0.8 pip install pylammpsmpi

  • pyscal >=2.10.14 pip install git+

  • pyyaml >=5.4.1 pip install pyyaml

  • scipy >=1.7.0 pip install scipy

  • tqdm >=4.61.2 pip install tqdm


  • matplotlib >=3.4.2 pip install matplotlib

  • pytest >=6.2.4 pip install pytest

About LAMMPS for calphy#

calphy uses LAMMPS as the driver for molecular dynamics simulations. For calphy to work, LAMMPS needs to be compiled as a library along with the Python interface. The easiest way to do this is to install LAMMPS through the conda-forge channel using:

conda install -c conda-forge lammps

Alternatively, when interatomic potentials with special compilation needs are to be used, LAMMPS (Stable release 29 Sept 2021 and above) can be compiled manually using the following set of instructions.

In order to help with installing all the prerequisites, an environment file which does not include the LAMMPS distribution is also provided. This is only required if you want use a conda environment. This environment can be installed using:

cd calphy
conda env create -f environment-nolammps.yml

Activate the environment using:

conda activate calphy2

Obtain the stable version from here and extract the archive. From the extracted archive, the following steps, used in the conda-forge recipe can be run:

mkdir build_lib
cd build_lib
cp liblammps${SHLIB_EXT}* ../src 
cd ../src
make install-python 
mkdir -p $PREFIX/include/lammps
cp library.h $PREFIX/include/lammps
cp liblammps${SHLIB_EXT}* "${PREFIX}"/lib/
cd ..

(Optional) The above commands only builds the MANYBODY package. To use some of the other potentials, the following commands could be added to the cmake call.

Install the python wrapper:

cd ../src
make install-python

In the case of a conda environment, the following commands can be used to copy the compiled libraries to an accessible path (sometimes PREFIX needs to be used instead of CONDA_PREFIX):

mkdir -p $CONDA_PREFIX/include/lammps
cp library.h $CONDA_PREFIX/include/lammps
cp liblammps${SHLIB_EXT}* $CONDA_PREFIX/lib/

Once LAMMPS is compiled and the libraries are available in an accessible location, the following commands can be used within python to test the installation:

from lammps import lammps
lmp = lammps()

Now, we install pylammpsmpi using,

pip install pylammpsmpi

And finally calphy:

cd calphy
python install --user